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Jewish Genealogical Society of Illinois

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The Jewish Genealogical Society of Illinois (JGSI) is a non-profit, volunteer-driven organization established in 1981 and now with over 300 members. JGSI is a member of IAJGS, the International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies.

We help members collect, preserve, and perpetuate the records and history of their ancestors and serve as a resource for the worldwide community to research their Chicago area Jewish roots. JGSI hosts our monthly meetings with informative speakers and expert genealogy volunteers to answer your questions about Jewish genealogy.

JGSI hybrid meetings feature easy access to useful research library and genealogy help desk

The JGSI meeting facilities at Temple Beth-El in Northbrook, Illinois, open at 12:30 p.m. before each monthly hybrid meeting. This allows individuals to utilize genealogy library materials, seek assistance with genealogy websites, or pose genealogical questions before the main program commences at 2 p.m.

During every in-person JGSI monthly meeting, our "help desk" operates from 12:30 to 1:50 p.m. Member volunteers will access online databases and address genealogical questions one-on-one for both members and visitors, as time permits. The JGSI research library boasts over 600 volumes catering to Jewish family historians, including a diverse selection of historical and contemporary maps. All books and maps are available for perusal from 12:30 to 1:50 p.m. at each regular monthly meeting.

More details and registrations for JGSI events are on the Events page.

Jewish Genealogical Society of Illinois members to share family history discoveries and genealogy research tips in July 28, 2024, hybrid meeting

The Jewish Genealogical Society of Illinois will hold a “Kvell and Tell” hybrid session on Sunday, July 28, 2024. Several JGSI members will take turns sharing family history discoveries and offer genealogy research tips. The JGSI meeting facilities at Temple Beth-El, 3610 Dundee Road, Northbrook, Illinois, will open at 12:30 p.m. CDT for those who want to use genealogy library materials, including our collection of maps; get help with family history websites, ask genealogical questions, or just chat, before the main program begins at 2 p.m. If you plan to attend in person, be sure to register in advance for lunch if desired.

More details and registration information are on the Events page.


Upcoming events

Mark your calendar now for our future events, which are listed on the Events page of this website. Also, sign up for Burbio.com, a free website and mobile app that lists events from local organizations in one online calendar.


The Chicago Jewish Post and Opinion newspaper (August 1962-December 1981) is now available as part of the Illinois Digital Newspaper Collections thanks to the University of Illinois and a bequest to the Jewish Genealogical Society of Illinois from the estate of Peggy Morrow, z''l.  Search at

JGSI Jewish Chicago Database (JJCD)

The JGSI Jewish Chicago Database (JJCD) includes information compiled from cemeteries, obituaries, memorial plaques, retirement homes, and other Jewish organizations.

Brides of Waldheim

See all the Brides of Waldheim as mentioned in the Summer Morasha click here.


Mystery Photos... If you would like to help us identify these people, please click here.

© 2024 JGSI | P.O. Box 515, Northbrook, IL 60065-0515 | 312.666.0100 | info@jgsi.org
JGSI is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.