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Jewish Genealogical Society of Illinois

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by Philip Pollack Bregstone (published 1933)

Book reviews/description:

"Remarkable history of the cultural rise of the Jews of Chicago that runs parallel with their social and economic development. Of particular importance in this study is the portrayal of the growth of the relations between the two groups of Jewry: the orthodox and reform or more correctly, the Jews that came from Eastern Europe and those that came from Central and Western Europe." "Takes a cultural instead of chronological approach to history; bringing together the author's opinions, descriptions of community issues, and examinations of events occurring throughout the later 19th and early 20th century." Introduction by Julian W. Mack, U.S. Judge and Zionist leader. Philip Bregstone was a "Chicago lawyer, writer, and public official who was active in Jewish affairs and Zionist causes. Mr. Bregstone also organized Zionist groups in the Middle West and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan to promote the idea of a Palestinian homeland for Jewish peoples."

The collection includes the names which appear in the book and the corresponding page numbers. The book can be accessed online at the Halti Trust.

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