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“How to Conduct Ukrainian Genealogy Research Online” by Vera Ivanova Miller

  • 27 Apr 2025
  • 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • Temple Beth-El, 3610 Dundee Road, Northbrook, Illinois
  • 263


  • Choose this ticket if you intend to attend the meeting in person. The Temple will open at 12:30 p.m. CST to accommodate those who want to use our genealogy library or the Help Desk before the main program begins at 2 p.m. We will still share the Zoom link with you in case you change your mind.
  • Choose this type of ticket if you intend to watch the event via Zoom.


Online Ukrainian genealogy research is Vera Miller’s lecture topic for the April 27, 2025, JGSI hybrid meeting

“How to Conduct Ukrainian Genealogy Research Online” will be the lecture topic of genealogy blogger Vera Ivanova Miller for the Sunday, April 27, 2025, Jewish Genealogical Society of Illinois hybrid meeting. Her talk will begin at 2 p.m. Central Time via Zoom and at Temple Beth-El, 3610 Dundee Road, Northbrook, Illinois. She will be speaking remotely, and her presentation will be projected onto the wall at Temple Beth-El.

The JGSI meeting facilities at Temple Beth-El will open at 12:30 p.m. Central Time for those who want to use genealogy library materials, get help with family history websites or ask genealogical questions before the main program begins at 2 p.m.

Please register/RSVP by clicking the button at left.

The Russian war in Ukraine has pushed efforts to modernize Ukrainian genealogy research at an incredible speed, Miller says. So many free records and databases are available online now, thanks to those efforts. Vera will focus on specific databases such as the Ukrainian Martyrologist of the 20th Century, Memory of a Nation 1941-1945, and Babyn Yar Archives. The challenge is how to use the resources without knowing Ukrainian and Russian. Miller will show step-by-step how to use some of these resources with Google Translate so Ukrainian genealogy research is less intimidating and more enjoyable.

Her presentation also will cover the best forums for Ukrainian genealogy. Don't miss this presentation because Miller will give the latest news on FamilySearch’s efforts to digitize Ukrainian archive records almost nationwide, in addition to other efforts taking place in Ukraine.

Vera Ivanova Miller, a former newspaper reporter, has been researching her ancestry from Ukraine, Russia and Poland since 2006. Her journey was the inspiration to start in 2011 a blog, “Find Lost Russian and Ukrainian Family" (https://lostrussianfamily.wordpress.com) that was honored as one of the 2023 Family Tree Magazine 101 Best Websites. Her accompanying genealogy group on Facebook, Find Your Lost Russian and Ukrainian Family, has about 6,000 members who speak English, Russian, Ukrainian and other languages to help each other with their genealogy from the former Russian Empire.

Thanks to learning how to use Russian- and Ukrainian-language resources online, Miller has been able to get her Eastern European family tree researched back to the 1600s. She is the author of “Genealogy at a Glance: Ukrainian Genealogy Research” and “Genealogy at a Glance: Russian Genealogy Research,” publications of Genealogical Publishing Co.

Since 2021, the mother of two boys has given online genealogy presentations to various organizations. She enjoys making time for projects and photo requests for FindAGrave, her hobby since 2014. She is the daughter of a Russian father and Ukrainian mother.

Be sure to come to our pre-meeting on April 27, 2025, from 12:30 through 1:45 p.m.: Free consultations for JGSI members and non-members alike! Wondering how to begin your family tree search? Have a brickwall? Need assistance with a DNA test—which company to test with or need help interpreting results? Need help navigating a website such as Jewishgen? Need assistance in writing your family history? Several of our experts will be on hand to assist you.

Let us help. Prior to our scheduled 2 p.m. Sunday program at Temple Beth-El, we will meet from 12:30 until 1:45 to devote our attention to you and your situation. Located in the social hall, lower level.

The JGSI meeting facilities at Temple Beth-El will open at 12:30 p.m. Central Time for those who want to use genealogy library materials, including our collection of maps; get help with family history websites, ask genealogical questions, or just chat, before the main program begins at 2 p.m. Walk-ins are welcome; however, registration is strongly encouraged.

For more information about JGSI, visit our website. For more information about membership benefits, click here.
© 2024 JGSI | P.O. Box 515, Northbrook, IL 60065-0515 | 312.666.0100 | info@jgsi.org
JGSI is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.