Jewish Genealogical Society of Illinois |
Database contains 350 records
(Members not known to be buried in Waldheim Cemetery-Gate 40)
Anshe Motele Congregation
6526 North California Avenue, Chicago
Anshe Motele was founded on September 3, 1903 by 14 immigrant carpenters who named it after Motel, a shtetl in Russia, today Belarus. The extra "e" adds Yiddish endearment. Three years prior, these Motel immigrants were organized as the Jewish Carpenters' Union, Local 504. Anshe Motele was not only a synagogue but also a financial and aid society to support any member in need. It was popularly referred to as the carptenters' shul. First located on Chicago's Maxwell Street, it relocated a few times as the Jewish population migrated to new neighborhoods on the west side and Lawndale. In the 1950's, Anshe Motele moved to West Rogers Park where it is located today.
This Anshe Motele Congregation database file contains congregants and memorials who are NOT buried in the Anshe Motele section at Waldheim. In most cases, burial locations have been identified. For headstone photos of those buried in the Anshe Motele section (Gate 40) at Waldheim, see our database Waldheim Cemetery: Gate 40 Anshe Motele Cemetery.
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